
Benjamin Kahn

Saturday 26 Sep 2020 from 4:30pm to 5:25pm

Sunday 27 Sep 2020 from 3:30pm to 4:25pm

A few tickets to buy on site

Benjamin Kahn, Sorry but I feel slightly disidentified © Martin Argyroglo

Benjamin Kahn
« Sorry, But I Feel Slightly Disidentified …», 2017

Under colourful fabrics, a silhouette and a rhythm give the A, the first A of "Sorry, But I Feel Slightly Disidentified...", which will then be declined in as many tones as there are stereotypical carpets, ready to pounce. Conceived by Benjamin Kahn for and with performer and choreographer Cherish Menzo - Dutch of Surinamese descent - the piece provokes our views and prejudices about races, genders, social status, cultures.

Layer after layer, the performer unfolds and metamorphoses, anchored in her body and yet partially divested of the images she sends, sends back, and disturbs. In front of her and in front of them, the spectators cannot evade what is revealed there, so obviously close, and what they perceive, what they deduce from it, sometimes from their defending bodies. "Sorry, But I Feel Slightly Disidentified..." is a formidable embodiment of a portrait whose model never ceases to escape the frameworks and norms to which he is so often and stubbornly assigned.
Echelle Humaine / Benjamin Kahn, Sorry but I feel slightly disidentified
Benjamin Kahn est un danseur et chorégraphe ayant étudié la dramaturgie et le théâtre à l'université d'Aix en Provence, au conservatoire de Rennes, et diplômé de L’ESAC (Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque) de Belgique.
Après ses études, il a notamment travaillé avec les chorégraphes Philippe Saire, Benjamin Vandewalles, Nicole Beutler, Ben Riepe, Frédéric Flamand, Maud Le Pladec, Egle Budvytyte, et Alessandro Sciaronni. Il considère la danse et la chorégraphie comme de puissants outils politiques et s’intéresse en particulier à la construction et à la déconstruction des regards que l’on porte sur les corps individuels et collectifs.