Domna, Osmonde et Etmel, Chloé Royer
© Andreas Lumineau
The sculptures by Chloé Royer, Domna, Osmonde and Etmel represent heroines who are at once bewitching and carnal, autonomous and supportive.
These hybrid creatures, inspired by the underwater, plant and mineral worlds, evoke metamorphosis. Their shapes, protuberant or thread-like, and tentacles, which reflect the rough texture of coral or the delicate translucent filaments of jellyfish, ensure their fragile equilibrium. All of Chloé Royer's work is driven by her interest in the malleability of identity, and her fascination with the capacity of living things to reinvent themselves.

Domna, Osmonde et Etmel, Chloé Royer
© Andreas Lumineau

Domna, Osmonde et Etmel, Chloé Royer
© Andreas Lumineau

Domna, Osmonde et Etmel, Chloé Royer
© Andreas Lumineau