Mimosa Échard

Born in 1985 in Alès (France), lives and works in Paris (France).
Galerie Samy Abraham, Paris

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Mimosa Echard, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris
For the Arena series, created at Lafayette Anticipations, Mimosa Echard superimposes layers of iridescent acrylic on analogue prints.
This process, developed by chance during her recovery work, allows the pigments of the photographs to react chemically with the acrylic and reveal themselves in the material aspect.

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Mimosa Echard, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Mimosa Echard, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris