Residency Cécile B. Evans
Workshop in residency from 01 Nov 2022 to 21 Oct 2023
1 year and 4 months ago
Cécile B. Evans is this year's artist in residency, their focus being the production of a new film titled Reality or Not, about the production of reality and what it takes to produce new ones.
The film will follow a number of narrative lines that converge and diverge across different spaces, times, and mediums. Evans will propose a series of events throughout the year (workshops, meetings, screenings, etc.) at the Fondation, as well as work sessions that will develop the central thread of the project with a high school class in Saint-Denis.
For each event, Evans will consult an expert to help open new paths and context for the diverse themes and questions in the project.
In total, 20 meetings and workshops are planned with the public and students!