Neuf Plâtre
A building by OMA / Rem Koolhaas
More than a century separates the gesture of the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas from that of the Frenchman Samuel Menjot de Dammartin who, in 1891, erected the Parisian building at 9 rue du Plâtre. The proposal of Rem Koolhaas, co-founder of the OMA agency, nestles in the hollow of this building, which rose out of the ground in the middle of the industrial revolution. It requalifies this former warehouse in the Marais, built for the needs of the nearby Hôtel de Ville Bazaar, into a production and exhibition machine for Lafayette Anticipations - Fondation d'entreprise Galeries Lafayette.
From the first exchanges with the OMA agency and its think tank AMO in 2012, through to the last weeks of construction in the autumn of 2017, Book 9 Plaster traces the stages of construction of a tool-building dedicated to accompanying, producing and presenting the works of its time. In an interview, Rem Koolhaas evokes the conceptual, artistic, social and political issues that led to the architecture of his first Parisian building, while Bas Princen's photographic works take a sensitive look at the successive transformations of space.
An obvious work, 9 Plâtre shows the principles of an art space open to the city and to all audiences. It marks the beginning of an artistic program dedicated to the meeting of practices and thoughts.

Production specifications
Une conjonction de savoir-faire
Vues de la tour d'exposition du 9 rue du Plâtre
Vidéo des planchers mobiles
Un chantier de 3 ans
Conférence de presse de préfiguration de la Fondation
Esquisse IV
Esquisse III
Esquisse II
Esquisse I (B)
Esquisse I (A)
Rencontre avec Rem Koolhaas
Première visite d'OMA du bâtiment
Plans historiques du bâtiment
François Quintin