
Optical toys and magic lantern

Saturday 29 Aug 2020 from 1pm to 3pm

Sunday 06 Sep 2020 from 1pm to 3pm

Sunday 13 Sep 2020 from 1pm to 3pm

Workshops proposed by the association Braquage, specialized in the diffusion and transmission of experimental cinema. For children from 5 to 12 years old.

- Saturday 29th August: visit and workshop "Optical toys" with a mediator from the Foundation.
Discovery of optical toys such as the praxinoscope, the folioscope, the thaumatrope to understand the principle of retinal persistence and of the illusion of movement.

- Sunday 6 September during the festival Les Traversées du Marais (SOLD OUT) and Sunday 13 September, visit and workshop "Magic Lantern" with a.e mediator.rice of the Foundation and Emilie Vincent

The magic lantern was the first machine that made it possible, as early as 1659, to project enlarged images to a large audience.
The workshop begins with the projection of reproductions of original lantern plates. During the practical part of the workshop, the small participants create an image to be projected by drawing on the transparent plates. In the final part of the workshop, each participant projects and presents to the others the images they have made from a motif or shape from Rachel Rose's work. Using magnifying glasses and lenses, the participant plays with the images produced by deforming or fragmenting them.