
Nicolas Ballet, Shock Factory

Thursday 23 Nov 2023 from 7pm to 8:30pm

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A discussion with Nicolas Ballet about his book Shock Factory - Culture visuelle des musiques industrielles (1969-1995) - Editions Presses du réel, followed by a signing session.

The industrial music movement, which emerged in the mid-1970s, produced a global visual culture in just a few years, bringing together a wide range of artistic practices (collage, mail art, installation, film, performance, sound and video).

This British phenomenon was the start of a movement that developed rapidly in Europe, the United States and Japan during the 1980s. The development of synthesizers, the manipulation and transformation of recorded sounds from audio tapes, whether recycled or conceived by artists, the sound experiments deployed by industrial groups enriched a range of radical visual productions that had their roots in the modernist utopias of the first part of the 20th century.

This book aims to place the visual project of industrial culture within a general history of art by analysing the dissidence of a scene that anticipates current issues surrounding the media and their coercive power.