Marielle Macé and Romain Noël in conversation
Saturday 16 Sep 2023 from 4pm to 5:15pm
Free upon registration
In french

A talk between writers Marielle Macé and Romain Noël, about breathing, conspiracy, invocations and affects.
Director of research (CNRS-EHESS) and former resident of the Villa Médicis (2021-2022), she is one of the editors of the journals Critique (Minuit) and Po&sie (Belin).
Her books (essays, poems) explore current forms of life and the anger and hope that drive them. His publications include Façons de lire, manières d'être (Gallimard, 2011), Styles. Critique de nos formes de vie (Gallimard, 2016), Sidérer, considérer. Migrants en France (Verdier, 2017), Nos cabanes (Verdier, 2019), Une pluie d'oiseaux (José Corti, 2022). Forthcoming: Respire (Verdier, 2023).
His transdisciplinary research focuses on art forms in the age of extinction, the links between emotional life and magical practices, and anti-humanist ecologies. With Marielle Macé, he co-edited the special issue of the journal Critique entitled "Vivre dans un monde abîmé" ("Living in a damaged world"). As well as writing about contemporary art, he has published BDSM Apocalypse (Klima Magazine, lundimatin), Pourquoi des potions à l'heure de l'Extinction (Frûctose), Mycélium, petit conte post-apocalyptique (Le murmure éditeur), and Devenir Médiums (Les Presses du Réel). After a master's degree at EHESS, he has just completed a thesis on contemporary art at the Centre d'Histoire de SciencesPo, entitled "La Vengeance des Affects: une aventure dont vous êtes le terreau".