La Peau Entre Les Doigts, Catol Teixeira
Friday 20 Sep 2024 from 9pm to 9:35pm
Saturday 21 Sep 2024 from 9pm to 9:35pm
8 € - 12 €
With le Centre culturel suisse. On tour and the support of Pro Helvetia.

With 'La Peau Entre Les Doigts' , choreographer Catol Teixeira slips between audiences with a fluid, festive energy that's constantly changing.
'La Peau Entre Les Doigts' embodies a form of physically engaged dance that crosses spaces, where audience and performer merge on stage.
Catol's performance embraces uncertainty, moments of excitement and the unknown - observing the friction between the body's opposition to and submission to gravity.
Concept & Performance: Catol Teixeira
Sound edition : Nico Wasmmer, Luisa Lemgruber
Light design : Justine Bouillet
Musiktracks : Tunga – DEDO, Revelation – Necxya, Chaos Clay – FuckCopace’ic (Auszug)
Production & Touring : Rabea Grand
Distribution : Jérôme Pique

After training in classical dance and aerial circus techniques, Catol Teixeira graduated in contemporary dance at La Manufacture in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Catol's work is a constant practice in the perception of space-time, and they continue to seek choreographic methods that challenge what a body can be. They dance as a way of not forgetting that bodies are a place of passage, relationship and negotiation between organic-political-cultural forces, a threshold of memories and a field of desires in motion.
In 2021, they created the solo La Peau Entre Les Doigts as part of they Bachelor's program at La Manufacture in Lausanne. In 2022, the solo Clashes Licking, which has already been presented on numerous theaters and festivals, such as the Théâtre de Vidy in Lausanne, which will accompany him on their next projects.
In 2023, they begin the project Zona de derrama / Arrebentaçao with five performers, which will be finalized and presented in autumn 2024 in Switzerland, at the ADC in Geneva, at the Théâtre de Vidy in Lausanne, then in France at Points Communs (Scène nationale) in March 2025.