Évariste Richer

Born in 1969 in Montpellier, France
For Évariste Richer, “some works are like opaque veils and surfaces for the projection of the imagination”. Indeed, the artist gives the notion of enigma an important place in his work. In many ways, his creations are aesthetic transfigurations of physical phenomena, of mathematical or phenomenological problems. His multidisciplinary practice is not based on a specific medium, but on working methods grounded in epistemological rigour. Rather than answers to these scientific questions, his works function as challenges to the viewers’ capacity for theorization and abstraction, and above all, to their capacity for imagination.
Born in 1969 in Montpellier, Évariste Richer studied at the École nationale des Beaux-arts de Grenoble and at the École nationale supérieure d'arts de Paris-Cergy. He lives and works in Paris.