Christophe Kihm

Christophe Kihm is art critic, professor at the Geneva University of Art and Design (Head-Genève) and independent curator.
He is the author of numerous critical and theoretical writings on the visual arts, music, aesthetics and criticism, published in collective books, exhibition catalogs and scientific journals: "L'Épreuve de l'image. Techniques et compétences des corps" (Bayard) and "Transmettre l'art, figures et méthodes : quelle histoire ?" (directed in collaboration with Valérie Mavridorakis, Presses du réel) were published in 2013.
In 2011, with Renaud Loda and Peter Szendy, he created the Mae (Museum of Extraterrestrial Art). His recent research focuses on art education, archival art practices, the collectives and the underground.
Les Prolégomènes / Which places for creation? Workshop #4